Top 3 Transcription Tools for 2022

3 min readApr 26, 2022


Transcribing voice voice conversations and everything without help from anyone else can be a really overwhelming assignment. In any case, because of Artificial Intelligence, presently we have the best record programming applications promptly accessible to change over any sound or video into message rapidly and without any problem.

Whether it is for instructive purposes, news-casting, meets, or webcasts for your YouTube channel, transcription is here to make your life a ton more straightforward by rapidly changing over your sound and video documents into text!

For your benefit, we have assessed and positioned the best record programming stages accessible in 2022, assisting you with better grasping the critical elements and uses of each so you can track down the one that best meets your requirements.

1. Diznote

Diznote is a valuable tool that boosts your productivity whether you’re working on an international conference call or in your office, Diznote makes your recordings and meetings accessible to everyone. Unlike any other transcription software or AI assistant, Diznote is so simple to use –that means no training required. The software learns as you use it and automatically organizes your meetings for future reference. More or so, the software also allows you to send screen shares to individuals and teammates, hence increasing the productivity of your workflow.

Pricing :

Diznote gives you 1 hour of free transcription time. After that, you have to pay.

Plan 1–$17.99 10 hours of transcription per month

Plan 2 -$30 for 20 hours of transcription per month

Plan 3 — $100 dollars for 3,000 hours of transcription per month

2. Otter AI

Otter is a very renown transcribing tool that utilizes man-made brainpower innovation to decipher sound to message progressively.

Not withstanding a work area application, it likewise has its application accessible to use on iOS and Android which implies now you can effectively decipher sound with your savvy gadgets and export them.

With Otter, you have the choice to one or the other record and translate sound progressively or incorporate it with a few virtual correspondence applications, for example, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Cisco Webex, and Zoom to import accounts. It is an exceptionally effective device both concerning time and cost.

After your sound has been translated progressively, you can scan the archive for explicit watchwords, change the playback speed and skip hushes to get the significance of a drawn-out recording.

Controlled by Ambient Voice Intelligence, Otter gets more brilliant with each recording. It allows you to prepare the product to perceive voices and learn setting based language.

They considerably offer a Basic arrangement with free record programming for as long as 600 minutes of deciphering each moth.

3. Descript

Descript is a sound record program and significantly more. It incorporates an undeniable transcription recorder, a screen recorder, and a video manager alongside record (programmed and human done by proficient transcriptionists). It consolidates strong cooperation highlights which make imparting information to different colleagues a breeze. When you complete a venture, you can share it by means of a web connect.

Furthermore, it accompanies a very valuable Speaker Identification include which permits you to add speaker names in a jiffy. You can have confidence that your information is generally secure as Descript utilizes severe information insurance strategies.

For more comfort, it permits you to match up your tasks in the cloud making them open whenever, anyplace by any of the teammates. A choice to line a generally translated sound is likewise accessible.




My varying interests that I write about is crypto, productivity tools or “hacks”, video games, politics, and books.